AI/ML chicken research chicken_research dev ears

Chicken Song Detection

We might get into some goal modification or behaviour triggering, when the robot detects specific chicken sounds.

It seems to be a thing people have been doing for a while:

“Over the past five years, engineers and poultry scientists at The University of Georgia and Georgia Institute of Technology have been collaborating to help farmers like Mitchell make better use of the information latent in chicken chatter. In a series of studies published between 2014 and 2016, Georgia Tech research engineer Wayne Daley and his colleagues exposed groups of six to 12 broiler chickens to moderately stressful situations—such as high temperatures, increased ammonia levels in the air and mild viral infections—and recorded their vocalizations with standard USB microphones. They then fed the audio into a machine-learning program, training it to recognize the difference between the sounds of contented and distressed birds.”

For now, just pasting links to libraries and stuff.

(python package for music and audio analysis)

(python data analysis in general)

If I’m going to do data science, I’ll probably need to install anaconda,

Let’s see how far we can get without installing Anaconda. It’s like 500MB, and we might not use any of it. Miniconda seems to be the light weight version.

Chickens make these calls for air and ground predators:

Will get back to this another time…