control dev envs robots Vision


This was simple to set up, and is meant to be fast.

Unfortunately the results of using the OpenCV/GStreamer example code to transmit over the network using H264 compression, were even worse than the JPEG over HTTP attempt I’m trying to improve on. Much worse. That was surprising. It could be this wifi dongle though, which is very disappointing on the Jetson Nano. It appears as though the Jetson Nano tries to keep total wattage around 10W, however plugging in the Realsense camera and a wifi dongle is pulling way more than that (All 4A @ 5W supplied by the barrel jack). It may mean that wireless robotics with the Realsense is not practical, on the Jetson.

Required apt install gstreamer1.0-rtsp to be installed.

Back to drawing board for getting the RealSense colour and depth transmitting to a different viewing machine, on the network (while still providing distance data for server side computation).