dev The Sentient Table

Gym Env

Starting from pybullet/gym/pybullet_envs/bullet/

and going by these instructions

First had to remember the protocol buffer stuff

protoc --proto_path=src --python_out=build/gen src/foo.proto src/bar/baz.proto

/opt/gym-robotable# pip install -e .
Obtaining file:///opt/gym-robotable
Requirement already satisfied: gym>=0.2.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from gym-robotable==0.0.1) (0.17.1)
Requirement already satisfied: cloudpickle<1.4.0,>=1.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from gym>=0.2.3->gym-robotable==0.0.1) (1.3.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.10.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from gym>=0.2.3->gym-robotable==0.0.1) (1.18.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from gym>=0.2.3->gym-robotable==0.0.1) (1.11.0)
Requirement already satisfied: scipy in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from gym>=0.2.3->gym-robotable==0.0.1) (1.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyglet<=1.5.0,>=1.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from gym>=0.2.3->gym-robotable==0.0.1) (1.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: future in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pyglet<=1.5.0,>=1.4.0->gym>=0.2.3->gym-robotable==0.0.1) (0.18.2)
Installing collected packages: gym-robotable
Running develop for gym-robotable
Successfully installed gym-robotable

When I try run the gym env, I get:

raise error.UnregisteredEnv(‘No registered env with id: {}’.format(id))

Ok it was some typo in the

Fixed that up in the imports and __inits__ and now got this issue:

Ok i think that was some file that was importing tensorflow 2. I don’t want to use tensorflow. it’s like 400MB.

URDF file ‘/root/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pybullet_data/robot.urdf’ not found

so ok, let’s put it there.

/opt/gym-robotable/gym_robotable/envs# cp robot.urdf /root/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pybullet_data/

AttributeError: ‘Robotable’ object has no attribute ‘Reset’

Ok so I’ve got robot.urdf looking like a table, and loading. But there’s various differences between the minitaur gym env and my own minitaur, the robotable. Gotta compare, etc. ok it wants reset() not Reset(…)

just a warning:

No inertial data for link, using mass=1, localinertiadiagonal = 1,1,1, identity local inertial frameb3Warning[examples/Importers/ImportURDFDemo/BulletUrdfImporter.cpp,126]:

happy with 1 defaults for mass and inertia settings, for now.

Ok so apparently just working my way through the bugs one by one. That’s probably as good a method as any :

File “/opt/gym-robotable/gym_robotable/envs/”, line 493, in _get_observation
AttributeError: ‘Robotable’ object has no attribute ‘GetMotorAngles’

K did a :%s/Get/get/g in vi. NEXT.

File “/opt/gym-robotable/gym_robotable/envs/”, line 301, in reset
return self._get_observation()
File “/opt/gym-robotable/gym_robotable/envs/”, line 493, in _get_observation
File “/opt/gym-robotable/gym_robotable/envs/”, line 88, in getMotorAngles
jointState = p.getJointState(self.quadruped, self.motorIdList[i])
IndexError: list index out of range

ok self.nMotors = 4

  File "/opt/gym-robotable/gym_robotable/envs/", line 527, in _get_observation_upper_bound
    num_motors = self.robotable.num_motors
AttributeError: 'Robotable' object has no attribute 'num_motors'

k lets change nMotors to num_motors. NEXT

File “”, line 77, in ExploreWorker
state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
File “/opt/gym-robotable/gym_robotable/envs/”, line 350, in step
action = self._transform_action_to_motor_command(action)
File “/opt/gym-robotable/gym_robotable/envs/”, line 313, in _transform_action_to_motor_command
action = self.robotable.ConvertFromLegModel(action)
AttributeError: ‘Robotable’ object has no attribute ‘ConvertFromLegModel’