AI/ML dev Math

grad_norm and GradNorm

I was wondering what this ‘grad_norm’ parameter is. I got sidetracked by the paper with this name, which is maybe even unrelated. I haven’t gone to the Tune website yet to check if it’s the same thing. The grad_norm I was looking for is in the ARS code.

grad_norm gets smaller as episode_reward_mean gets bigger. So, gradient normalisation… gradient normalisation… still not sure.
info = {
“weights_norm”: np.square(theta).sum(),
“weights_std”: np.std(theta),
“grad_norm”: np.square(g).sum(),
“update_ratio”: update_ratio,
“episodes_this_iter”: noisy_lengths.size,
“episodes_so_far”: self.episodes_so_far,

So, it’s the sum of the square of g… and g is… the total of the ‘batched weighted sum’ of the ARS perturbation results, I think… but it’s not theta… which is the policy itself. Right, so the policy is the current agent/model brains, and g would be the average of the rollout tests, and so grad_norm, as a sum of squares is like the square of variance, so it’s a sort of measure of how much weights are changing, i think. – relevant?

        # Compute and take a step.
        g, count = utils.batched_weighted_sum(
            noisy_returns[:, 0] - noisy_returns[:, 1],
            (self.noise.get(index, self.policy.num_params)
             for index in noise_idx),
            batch_size=min(500, noisy_returns[:, 0].size))
        g /= noise_idx.size
        # scale the returns by their standard deviation
        if not np.isclose(np.std(noisy_returns), 0.0):
            g /= np.std(noisy_returns)
        assert (g.shape == (self.policy.num_params, )
                and g.dtype == np.float32)
        # Compute the new weights theta.
        theta, update_ratio = self.optimizer.update(-g)
        # Set the new weights in the local copy of the policy.
        # update the reward list
        if len(all_eval_returns) > 0:
def batched_weighted_sum(weights, vecs, batch_size):
    total = 0
    num_items_summed = 0
    for batch_weights, batch_vecs in zip(
            itergroups(weights, batch_size), itergroups(vecs, batch_size)):
        assert len(batch_weights) == len(batch_vecs) <= batch_size
        total +=
            np.asarray(batch_weights, dtype=np.float32),
            np.asarray(batch_vecs, dtype=np.float32))
        num_items_summed += len(batch_weights)
    return total, num_items_summed

Well anyway. I found another GradNorm.

GradNorm – “We present a gradient normalization (GradNorm) algorithm that automatically balances training in deep multitask models by dynamically tuning gradient magnitudes.”

We introduced GradNorm, an efficient algorithm for tuning loss weights in a multi-task learning setting based on balancing the training rates of different tasks. We demonstrated on both synthetic and real datasets that GradNorm improves multitask test-time performance in a variety of
scenarios, and can accommodate various levels of asymmetry amongst the different tasks through the hyperparameter α. Our empirical results indicate that GradNorm offers superior performance over state-of-the-art multitask adaptive weighting methods and can match or surpass the performance of exhaustive grid search while being significantly
less time-intensive.

Looking ahead, algorithms such as GradNorm may have applications beyond multitask learning. We hope to extend the GradNorm approach to work with class-balancing and sequence-to-sequence models, all situations where problems with conflicting gradient signals can degrade model performance. We thus believe that our work not only provides a robust new algorithm for multitask learning, but also reinforces the powerful idea that gradient tuning is fundamental for training large, effective models on complex tasks.

The paper derived the formulation of the multitask loss based on the maximization of the Gaussian likelihood with homoscedastic* uncertainty. I will not go to the details here, but the simplified forms are strikingly simple.

Image for post
Modified weight based on task uncertainty



In statistics, a sequence (or a vector) of random variables is homoscedastic /ˌhoʊmoʊskəˈdæstɪk/ if all its random variables have the same finite variance. This is also known as homogeneity of variance. The complementary notion is called heteroscedasticity.