3D 3D prototypes 3D Research control dev envs Gripper gripper prototypes Gripper Research Locomotion robots Vision

Gripper simulation

I’ve been scouring for existing code to help with developing the gripper in simulation. I was looking for a way to implement ‘eye-in-hand’ visual servoing, and came across a good resource, created for a masters thesis, which shows a ‘robot vision’ window, and he compares depth sensing algorithms. My approach was going to be, essentially, segmentation, in order to detect and localise chickens and eggs, in the field of vision, and then just try get their shape into an X-Y coordinate position, and over a certain size, to initiate interaction.

This one uses an SDF model of a KUKA industrial 6 DOF robot with a two finger gripper, but that has specific rotational movement, that seems maybe different from a simpler robot arm. So it’s maybe a bit overkill, and I might just want to see his camera code.

Miranda’s gripper prototype isn’t a $50k KUKA industrial robot arm. It’s just v.0.1 and got an 11kg/cm MG945, some 5kg/cm MG5010s, and an 1.3kg/cm SG90, and a sucker contraption I found on DFRobot, that can suck eggs.

So, regarding the simulation,this will be on top of the robot, as its head.

So we need an URDF file. Or an SDF file. There’s a couple ways to go with this.

The other resource I’ve found that looks like just what I need, is ur5pybullet

Regarding the ‘visual servoing’, the state of the art appears to be QT-Opt, perhaps. Or maybe RCAN, built on top of it. But we’re not there just yet. Another project specifically uses pybullet. Some extra notes here, from Sergey Levine, and co., associated with most of these projects.

Another good one is Retina-GAN, where they convert both simulation and reality into a canonical format. I’ve also come across Dex-Net before, from UCB.

Everything is very complicated though.

I’ve managed to make an URDF that looks good enough to start with, though. I’ll put everything in a github. We want to put two servos on the ‘head’ for animatronic emotional aesthetics, but there’s a sucker contraption there for the egg, so I think this is good enough for simulation, for now, anyway. I just need to put a camera on its head, put some eggs in the scene, and maybe reward stable contact with the tip. Of course it’s going to be a lot of work.

We also want to add extra leg parts, but I don’t want to use 4 more motors on it.

So I’m playing around with some aluminium and timing belts and pulleys to get 8 leg parts on 4 motors. Something like this, with springs if we can find some.

So, simulator camera vision. I can enable the GUI. Turns out I just need to press ‘g’ to toggle.

self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer(self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RENDERING, 1)
self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer(self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_GUI, 1)
self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer(self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_SEGMENTATION_MARK_PREVIEW, 1)
self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer(self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_DEPTH_BUFFER_PREVIEW, 1)
self._pybullet_client.configureDebugVisualizer(self._pybullet_client.COV_ENABLE_RGB_BUFFER_PREVIEW, 1)

I’ve added the gripper, and now I’m printing out the _control_observation, because I need to work out what is in an observation.

0.18136442583543283, 0.4339093246887722, -0.25269494256467184, 0.32002873424829736, -0.6635045784503064, 1.5700002984158676, -1.5700000606174402, -0.2723645141027962,

0.451696256678765, 0.48232988947216504, -4.0981980703534395, 0.4652986924553241, 0.3592921211587608, -6.978131098967118e-06, 1.5237597481713495e-06, -10.810712328063294,

-3.5000000000000004, -3.5000000000000004, 3.5000000000000004, -3.5000000000000004, 3.5000000000000004, -3.5000000000000004, 3.5000000000000004, 3.5000000000000004, 

-0.008942336195953221, -0.015395612988274186, 0.00639837318132646, 0.9998210192552996, 

-0.01937158793669886, -0.05133982438770338, 0.001050170752804882]

Ok so I need the link state of the end effector (8th link), to get its position and orientation.

    state = self._pybullet_client.getLinkState(self.quadruped, self._end_effector_index)
    pos = state[0]
    orn = state[1]


(0.8863188372297804, -0.4008813832608453, 3.1189486984341848)

(0.9217446940545668, 0.3504950513334899, -0.059006227834041206, -0.1551070696318658)

Since the orientation is 4 dimensions, it’s a quaternion,

  def gripper_camera(self, state):
    pos = state[0]
    ori = state[1]

    rot_matrix = self._pybullet_client.getMatrixFromQuaternion(ori)

    rot_matrix = np.array(rot_matrix).reshape(3, 3)
# Initial vectors
    init_camera_vector = (1, 0, 0) # z-axis
    init_up_vector = (0, 1, 0) # y-axis
# Rotated vectors
    camera_vector =
    up_vector =

    self.view_matrix_gripper = self._pybullet_client.computeViewMatrix(pos, pos + 0.1 * camera_vector, up_vector)

    img = self._pybullet_client.getCameraImage(256, 256, self.view_matrix_gripper, self.projectionMatrix, shadow=0, flags = self._pybullet_client.ER_SEGMENTATION_MASK_OBJECT_AND_LINKINDEX, renderer=self._pybullet_client.ER_BULLET_HARDWARE_OPENGL)

Ok I’ve got the visuals now, but I shouldn’t be seeing that shadow

The camera is like 90 degrees off maybe. Could be an issue with the camera setup, or maybe the URDF setup? Ok…

Changing the initial camera vector fixed the view somewhat:

    init_camera_vector = (0, 0, 1) # x-axis

Except that we’re looking backwards now.

init_camera_vector = (0, 0, -1) # x-axis

Ok well it’s correct now, but heh, hmm. Might need to translate the camera just a bit higher.

I found a cool free chicken obj file with Creative commons usage. And an egg.

Heh need to resize obj files. Collision physics is fun.

Ok I worked out how to move the camera a bit higher.

    pos = list(pos) 
    pos[2] += 0.3
    pos = tuple(pos)

Alright! Getting somewhere.

So, next, I add resized eggs and some chickens for good measure, to the scene.

Then we need to train it to stick its shnoz on the eggs.

Ok… gonna have to train this sucker now.

First, the table is falling from the sky, so I might need to stabilize it first. I also need to randomize the egg location a bit.

And I want to minimize the distance between the gripper attachment and the egg.

The smart way is probably to have it walk until some condition and then grasp, but in the spirit of letting the robot learn things by itself, I will probably ignore heuristics. If I do decide to use heuristics, it will probably be a finite state machine with ‘walking’ mode and ‘gripping’ mode. But we’ll come back to this when it’s necessary. Most of the time there won’t be any eggs in sight. So it will just need to walk around until it is sure there is an egg somewhere in sight.

Ok I’ve added a random egg to the scene

self.rng = default_rng()
egg_position = np.r_[self.rng.uniform(-20, 20, 2), 0.1]
egg_orientation = transformations.random_quaternion(self.rng.random(3))
self._egg_mesh = self._pybullet_client.loadURDF("%s/egg.urdf" % self._urdf_root, egg_position, egg_orientation, globalScaling=0.1)

And the end effector’s position should be something like the original camera position before we moved it up a bit, plus length of the end effector in the URDF (0.618). I ended up doing this:

    pos = [pos[0] + 0.5*camera_vector[0], 
           pos[1] + 0.5*camera_vector[1], 
           pos[2] + 0.5*camera_vector[2]]
    pos = tuple(pos) 

And it’s closer to the tip now. But yeah. I will start a new post, Simulation Vision.

form Hardware


From a website called, which is a great URL, but which otherwise has broken links,

The SCARA or Selective Compliant Assembly (or Articulated) Robot Arm robot provides a circular work envelope.

Here’s from

Industrial Robotics Roundup:

Articulated vs. SCARA vs. Cartesian Robots

Hmm. interesting. I think we’re doing an Articulated build for the gripper. It will need Z axis movement. But SCARA is cool if you don’t need Z axis (up down).

AI/ML control dev Hardware hardware_ robots Vision

Jetson NX: A New Hope

After checking out the speed of image segmentation on the Raspberry Pi (like one frame every 10 seconds maybe?), and my i3 laptop not being much better, I realised I needed more computing power, at least to train the neural networks. I can probably still ultimately run the neural network on the Pi, but we’ll see.

Looking at computing options, I ultimately went with the $399 NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX.

Developer Kit Technical Specifications
GPUNVIDIA Volta architecture
with 384 NVIDIAĀ® CUDAĀ® cores and 48 Tensor cores
CPU6-core NVIDIA Carmel ARMĀ®v8.2 64-bit CPU
6 MB L2 + 4 MB L3
DLA2x NVDLA Engines
Vision Accelerator7-Way VLIW Vision Processor
Memory8 GB 128-bit LPDDR4x 51.2GB/s
StoragemicroSD (Card not included)
Video Encode2x 4Kp30 | 6x 1080p 60 | 14x 1080p30 (H.265/H.264)
Video Decode2x 4Kp60 | 4x 4Kp30 | 12x 1080p60 | 32x 1080p30 (H.265)
2x 4Kp30 | 6x 1080p60 |16x 1080p30 (H.264)
Camera2x MIPI CSI-2 D-PHY lanes
ConnectivityGigabit Ethernet, M.2 Key E (WiFi/BT included), M.2 Key M (NVMe)
DisplayHDMI and DP
USB4x USB 3.1, USB 2.0 Micro-B
OthersGPIOs, I2C, I2S, SPI, UART
Mechanical103 mm x 90.5 mm x 34 mm

Also, did you know they made a dystopic reboot retcon of The Jetsons, that 70s retro-futuristic Hanna Barbera cartoon, in comic form? An ice meteor destoyed Earth. They were lucky to have had a place in space to go, working for the Spacely Space Sprockets, incorporated. (YT link)

It took an hour to set up, and was mostly straightforward, though I had to get a ‘clover plug’ cable, and an SD card.

I used Etcher to load the latest 6GB Jetson Developer Kit SD image, and had a keyboard, mouse, and hdmi monitor that worked. So I was able to enter the wifi SSID and password while setting it up.

I learned that one option for headless installation is to use a USB cable from your computer to the micro-USB input of the Jetson. But ultimately this wasn’t necessary. I ran ipconfig on the Jetson, got an ip address, and connected with ssh.

After needing to change the wifi details, I used the usb cable, then connected with:

ssh chicken@
sudo nmcli device wifi connect 'SSID' password 'PASSWORD'

Coming back to this later, I attempted the same, but with the Jetson Nano, instead of the Jetson Xavier, and it didn’t work. I learned that the Nano doesn’t come with a Wifi adapter.

I think with the Nano, (“B01”) you need a monitor to install. I tried multiple tutorials, ssh’ing, I tried using screen to connect to /dev/ttyACC0 at 115200 baud, nope. Looked at the forums, and it’s complicated. I didn’t try the USB UART because my USB-TTL converter’s cable colours are different.

Another method that worked, with the nano, is plugging the ethernet cable from the Nano directly into the wifi router. It then shows up on the router’s network.

Later, when trying to install a D-Link wifi ‘Wireless N Nano USB Adaptor’, ( for the love of God, just get an Edimax – they work out of the box), I connected over ssh with the ethernet cable from the jetson to the router, then downloaded the driver and unzipped and untarred, and then ran the `make` file and `make install` as per the instructions, but had to run export ARCH=arm64 before that, because it was looking in aarch64. Then rebooted. Then

chicken@chicken:~$ sudo nmcli device wifi connect 'ssid' password 'password'
[sudo] password for chicken:
Device 'wlan0' successfully activated with '3a7997e6-c6b1-40f7-bf93-fba5b110282c'.

A lot of research will have to happen again now, though, because NVIDIA has its own software ecosystem. I’ll need a vision solution that is portable to the PI, with the hope that a model or neural net trained on the Jetson will still be able to run on the Raspberry Pi, since it’s 40X cheaper.

The lingo takes some time to get used to, but I believe JetPack is the name for this OS of preinstalled nvidia docs and libraries.

Since last year, an algorithm called… a Transformer… which has just recently created a hell of a chat bot, with GPT-3, and which underlies Google search as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers).

And there are hybrid convolutional nets and transformers, eg. DETR, and there are the SOTA from last year, EfficientNet, and then for some instances, or most, YOLOv4 is meant to be the new hot algorithm. It’s bigger than YOLOv3. It’s wait, so it’s more frames per second, and the accuracy (AP) is kinda so/so, at 5% less. I realised YOLOv5, which I had seen, which is a Pytorch implementation, is faster, though it’s technically just some one being a bit of a douchebag and calling his implementation of the author’s peer reviewed, the next version, YOLOv5. So what now?

Image for post

YOLOv4 vs. YOLOv5
it keeps getting better.

So, PyTorch vs. Tensorflow ( vs. TensorRT),

NVIDIA has this 3d simulator environment in Unreal Engine! Isaac. Something like an API for robots, by NVIDIA. They got this robot working with it, apparently.

NVIDIA Carter ā€” ISAAC 2020.2 documentation

It’s actually pretty good. I wonder if this is as cool as it sounds. Ah, closed source. Of course. But I can apply to join. Eh maybe.

So, I want to get these chickens into a convolutional neural network, or a transformer and output a pretty picture. I want the colour masks, not the bounding boxes.

I don’t want to get too caught up in proprietary NVIDIA specific API, even if they have an Unreal Engine simulator. But it might be worth checking out. GStreamer is an open source port of it, so maybe back on the menu.

But it’s a whole integrated thing. “The DeepStream SDK can be used to build end-to-end AI-powered applications to analyze video and sensor data. Some popular use cases are: retail analytics, parking management, managing logistics, robotics, optical inspection and managing operations.”

Nice. DeepStream supports several popular networks out of the box such as YOLO, FasterRCNN, SSD, RetinaNet and MaskRCNN.

I get the sense that Gems in the DeepStream world of Isaac, are like, ROS nodes, offering services on a port. ORB is a Gem. Ultimately, a prediction, or reconstruction in 3d, of the shape of objects in the world, would be ideal. I’m only doing the colour map stuff because the colours are nice, and it looks more impressive. But ultimately I will need to pick the best tool for the job.

NVIDIA also has DIGITS, Deep Learning GPU Training System (DIGITS) … puts the power of deep learning into the hands of engineers and data scientists. DIGITS can be used to rapidly train the highly accurate deep neural network (DNNs) for image classification, segmentation and object detection tasks.

So as you can see, there’s more to find out. But ultimately I will probably have to repeat the task of getting labelled data into folders, and having the labels in the right format. Then generating the TFRecords, or doing whatever you do in PyTorch, I’m still biased to the TensorFlow ODI 2 implementation, because Google’s got the best dataset of chickens.

But lots to check out from NVIDIA.

The revelation of GStreamer seems to be one of the big wins here. It looks like an Apache Camel for video pipelines.

Hardware hardware_ Locomotion robots

Rotary Encoders and motors

We should check out rotary encoders and motors, while I’m in RSA. I’ve started looking at them now. There’s a wealth of info at a company that makes them, Dynapar.

Here’s the good stuff. Coupling: “Rotary encoders come in 3 major mounting styles: hollow-shaft (hollow-bore or through shaft), hub-shaft (hub-bore) or shafted. Hollow-shaft and hub-shaft rotary encoders mount directly to a motor shaft typically using a tether. Shafted rotary encoders mount using a flexible coupling.”

I asked a South African company about their Italian ‘Eltra‘ rotary encoders yesterday. Then Feetech from China asked this morning, if I needed servos. Well actually yes. I asked about their encoder motors, as they might be called, as a combination. They had 4.8V, 6V, and 7.4V such motors, whose encoders were of the magnetic measuring type, and give 12 bits of precision (2^12 = 4096, so 0 to 4095) as serial data.

The MG996Rs used for the basic table robot prototype were possibly adequate, but definitely on the hobby side. They felt more appropriate for a robot about half the size of the prototype. The prototype was successfully sat upon, by the chicken.

I started thinking about practicalities of powering a jetson nx (The devkit supports between 9-20V ) or jetson nano (5V) ot rpi (5V). and numerous motors. So probably uses a battery in the 9-20V range. Motor too. Probably 14.4V is what Lithium ion or similar batteries come as. Usually need to buy lithium ion batteries in the place where you’re going, rather than bring them on a plane. But you can always try. (Not a financial advisor (or otherwise)). They are probably still mostly imported for RC models (remote control, remember?).

But also wow, on the topic of rotary encoders and servos, this guy made a sub-millimeter accuracy by a 6 d.o.f. (degrees of freedom) robot arm

Used his own interesting and as yet mysterious encoder, which he put inside a motor. Says his robot arm cost EU 300. It’s super impressive.

The other option with power appears to be cool ‘just what you needed’ type products like DFRobot’s FIT0186, which has a built-in encoder! I ended up buying 4 x FIT0186s and 4 x FIT0185s (12V, 251RPM and 83RPM respectively).

I used an Arduino Nano, a DFRobot Dual motor driver, based on the TB6612 chip, plugging in the Nano for 5V, and 12V into the driver, to power the motors.

But after much wiring up, the motors work fine, but the encoders do not. I fixed up their example code to use volatile variables, and run the minimal amount of code in the interrupt service routines (ISRs), and even used two interrupts for a single motor, one for each hall sensor output, and put a 0.1mF capacitor between signal and ground. Tried CHANGE/RISING/FALLING triggers. Tried different motors.

I’ve looked at every forum post, and tried everything, and now I’ve posted on DFRobot’s forum, in case someone has got the encoder working. Not looking promising.

So back to the MG996Rs, I find that I ordered two batches from Mantech, supposedly the same genuine product from Tower Pro, and yet the one batch does not work properly with the PCA9685, uses a lower minimum pulse, and moves in the opposite direction to the other ones when using the same code. The duds keep creeping around, after you turn off the throttle.

Ok so I’m going to try with the one batch of MG996Rs that do seem to work, but we’ll need to make a new plan. Possibly, rigging an actual rotary encoder up, on the motor shaft. But for now, back to MG996Rs and the drawing board. We left the old robotable in Switzerland last year. So I made a new one with the remaining MG996Rs.

So I was able to get them fairly well calibrated by setting the min and max pulse, as that seems to be how servos work. They have a center PWM pulse, around 1500, where they are still, and then as you decrease the pulses per second, it goes one way, and as you increase the pulses per second, it goes the other way.

Unfortunately after much fuss, these continuous rotation servos turned out to be duds. At least for the way I was trying to use them.

Set the throttle to 1, sleep for a second. Set the throttle to zero, sleep for a second. Set the throttle to -1, sleep for a second. …And you have a new position. Unfortunately the positional control is unusable. I guess these are for wheels or an application where position is not so important.

3D 3D Research form hardware_

what about making materials from chicken industry waste?

The chicken bone robot prototype I made turned out pretty well, mostly because bones have kind of gone through millions of years of evolution to be as strong and light as possible. Sounds like an ideal limb material. It’s also really nice to work with. Would be nice to do some composites too, for molding and 3D printing etc. from egg shells and feathers (2.3 million tonnes of EU feather waste from slaughterhouses a year) and whatever else.

egg shells + calcium carbonate a la Little Pink Maker

Kreative pĆ„ske til bĆørn - Children's easter activities in Copenhagen city  center. ā€” Little Pink Maker

Giuseppe Abate‘s material experiments with chicken waste

Ylem Lab‘s Chicken Feather material “Pluminaire”

3D 3D Research form hardware_ robots

probably the prettiest robots I’ve ever seen

“Ecce” Robot pics from taken at the “making robots human ” exhibition in Stockholm Dan and I went to. The exhibition was kinda out of date British nationalist techno-utopian propaganda, but whatever, still got some cool hardware inspiration.

doin a heckin inspire Hardware hardware_ Locomotion robots

Hardware Inspiration

MIT’s Cheetah mini breakown. O-Drive, nice motors, etc…

James Bruton’s Mini Dog, with servos and arduino

James Bruton’s OpenDog with badass DC motors

chicken_research robots

Existing Chicken Robots

Found that Wageningen University in the Netherlands has a PoultryBot.

A bunch more here:

Obviously they’re all for industry. China and Thailand apparently has ‘robot nannies‘ monitoring chicken health. There’s also some robots for feeding chickens, and for keeping them on their toes, by driving into them

PoulBot is a bit closer to the magic side, studying social ecology, with a robot for chicks to imprint on, who takes chicks around, and counts the chicks and goes back for any left behind. It beeps instead of clucks. The above-head camera is probably not realistic for most settings, but it allows a useful behaviour they callĀ avoid-running-over-chick. The idea is to work out what cues are required for chicks to accept a robot as a mother.

AI/ML robots simulation

State-Dependent Exploration

3D Research AI/ML robots simulation


9:52 / 55:39

State Representation Learning
I came across this toolbox because with the robot, I am not sure what’s wrong, saving and loading policy files for ARS.

I asked about it here:

So I was considering using some “stable baseline” RL algorithms. They have an implementation of PPO, which is another recent algorithm.