ROS build tool. These are the patterns of use:
In order to help automate the merged build process, Catkin was distributed with a command-line tool called catkin_make
. This command automated the above CMake work flow while setting some variables according to standard conventions. These defaults would result in the execution of the following commands:
$ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../src -DCATKIN_DEVEL_SPACE=../devel -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install $ make -j<number of cores> -l<number of cores> [optional target, e.g. install]
To get DSO (Direct Sparse Odometry) working.
I followed these instructions:
I made /opt/catkin_ws
git clone –single-branch –branch cmake
git clone –single-branch –branch catkin
catkin init
catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
catkin build